
Life As A Gay Dad: With Ashley Scott

Jeremy MacveanBy Jeremy Macvean.
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“It takes a village to raise a family and if you don’t feel accepted by that village, it’s a lonely place” – Ashley Scott

In this episode of The Father Hood podcast the team talks to Ashley Scott about his personal experience with being a gay dad and his interaction with other LGBTQI+ families through his work as Executive Officer at Rainbow Families. Rainbow Families aims to ‘build a community which fosters resiliency by connecting, supporting and empowering’ LGBTQI+ families.

Ashley talks about the challenges and opportunities he has experienced as a gay dad, especially how the freedom from traditional gender roles has allowed himself and his partner to divvy up the household and parenting work in a unique way that best suits each person. He also discusses his work at Rainbow Families and how his interactions with other LGBTQI+ families has allowed his two daughters to interact with children sharing similar family dynamics as well as have access to positive female role models, which he feels is important to provide.

Ashley feels that his work with Rainbow Families is helping LGBTQI+ families feel more accepted in their community and provides a unique support for parents outside the usual social circles.

Listen here.