Five things single dads can learn from Shane Warne about fatherhood

There isn’t much that hasn’t been written about Shane Warne, both prior to and following his tragic passing. You didn’t need to be a cricket fan to know of or have an opinion about the talented spin bowler and Aussie larrikin. As a family lawyer, what has lingered with me is the example Warne set for fathers – particularly those who are navigating a separation or divorce. These are five things Warnie can teach single dads about fatherhood.

The Truth About Parental Leave & How It Can Make You A Better Man

A sleep-deprived dad pushing his newborn baby in a pram may not immediately look like he’s channelling his inner Che Guevara. But appearances can prove deceptive. Parental leave for men is a quiet act of social revolution with radical implications for your family, workplace and, indeed, for gender equality as a whole.

VIDEO: TFH Workplace Support

We believe that until it’s unremarkable for men to play an equal role in domestic life, it will remain remarkable for women to play an equal role in the workforce. Contact us to discuss how we can drive positive cultural change in your workplace.

Bespoke Content To Drive Organisational Cultural Change

Culture doesn’t change overnight. We regularly encounter companies that have overhauled their parental leave / flexibility policies in a laudable way, only to find that men don’t take advantage of the changes

Reworking The Workplace

The Father Hood was formed to offer support, advice and inspiration to modern dads. And after interviewing countless academics, educators and dads, we realised the biggest thing stopping dads from being more hands-on is the workplace

Spread The Word: The Value Of Tailored Content For Your Organisation

Workplace policies that offer employees greater flexibility and parental leave opportunities are more vital than ever for staff retention, productivity and gender equality.

TFH Presentation: Fatherhood 2.0

Ten shots of inspiration from the frontline. These pieces of wisdom have changed the way that we operate as a parents and they might do the same for you too. Are you making the most of the opportunity in front of you, to be more actively involved with your kids? It’s not always easy, but the potential benefits are huge for you and your family.

The Fastest Road To 50/50

Until it’s unremarkable for a men to be equally involved in domestic life, it will remain remarkable for women to have equity in the workforce. This presentation gets to the heart of what stands in our way to achieving equity in the workplace - and it starts at home. Making fatherhood an equal parenting role is essential for real progress.

Keynote: It’s the best time in history to be a dad

Dads today have the chance to define themselves so much more broadly than their father’s generation. But only if they are willing to lean into the gig, rather than resisting all the change. Make no mistake, this comes with multiple challenges - we’ll suggest how to overcome them and why it’s worth it for everyone.

Facilitated Discussions and Staff Sessions

The Father Hood offers moderated dad/parent chat sessions for corporate partners, where experiences, frustrations and ideas are shared.

How The Father Hood Can Help Your Workplace

The Father Hood exists to represent, inform and educate dads everywhere. In the process it aims to help employers better understand the rapidly changing needs and expectations of dads in their organisation.

Interview: How Joe Wicks Stopped Punching Walls & Learned Not To Yell At His Kids

For someone who’s known as a beacon of good vibes and positive energy, Joe Wicks is a refreshingly straight-talker. Leaning against the bed in his Surrey home, the 35-year-old known as The Body Coach admits that enduring the isolation of Britain’s lockdown with two small kids – Indie is two and Marley is one – hasn’t been easy and has definitely impacted his mental health at times.

The 5 Money Principles To Teach Young Kids

Given the tawdry state of my finances, there’s a line by the writer Katie Whitehorn that I’ve always found endlessly comforting. “The easiest way for your children to learn about money is for you not to have any,” she writes. That was certainly the experience of mortgage broker, Jai Hobbs.

Guy Sebastian: You’re Always Insecure As A Dad, Thinking: “Am I Screwing This Up?

My father taught me that fatherhood is a sacrificial love. Dad was a geologist and a very hard worker and had to travel overseas a lot. Eventually he was just over it, so he moved us all over here to Australia from Malaysia when I was six-years-old. He was constantly away for his job - working for a month, then home for a month - pretty much our whole lives. But we never, ever felt like dad was absent. Because when he was home, he was always really present.

“The Good, The Bad & The Ugly”: Study Reveals Effects of COVID on Working Dads

If you were asked to sum up the COVID pandemic in one sound-effect what would it be? Perhaps you’d go for the exasperated sigh in tandem with forehead slap and exaggerated eye-roll. Or maybe you'd plump for a full-throttle raspberry accompanied by double V-signs. Bottom line: it’s hard to sum up how COVID disrupted our lives with diabolical efficiency.

PODCAST: Why Self-Doubt Is Part and Parcel Of Being A Stay-at-home Dad

According to the U.S Census, only six men in the whole of America defined themselves as stay-at-home dads back in 1970. By 2014, that number had grown to 2 million. That’s evidence of a radical social change that you’d expect to only have snowballed in the intervening years. But despite more men becoming stay-at-home dads, it’s not always an easy transition.